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Information on the text-corpus

Netā’icü l-Fünūn:

The Facsimile and the basis of the edition is MS. Orient HS. 5a, Austrian State Archives. Collationations with the MSs. N.F. 434, N.F. 413, N.F. 433, Mxt. 392 of the Austrian national Libray.


The six mecmūʿa – manuscripts, all in the Austrian National Library, are the following:

Flügel Sign. Owner(s) Latest date Origin
A.F. 268

Meḥemmed Kemālī (?)

Ramażān Usturġunī (?)

1599 (H. 1008) Hungary
A.F. 287a Sīmā bint ʿAbdullāh (?) 1606/07 (H. 1015) Hungary
A.F. 287b Bende ʿAlī (?) 1627 (H. 1037) Hungary (?)
A.F. 222a Muḥarrem (?) 1666 (H. 1077) Hungary
A.F. 232 (?) mid 17th cent. (?) Hungary
A.F. 233a ʿAlī Aġa b. Qara ʿOs̱mānzāde Muṣṭafā Ḥasan (?) 1680 or 1631 (?)
(H.1091 or 1041)
For the mecmūʿas’ detailed tables of contents click here